Fraction Bot
Nov 21st, 2013 by bernsj2
Market Research *** Prototyping *** Future Iterations *** Source Code
A PDI Studio V Project–Fall 2013
Team Members:
Jason King (ME/DIS)
Krista Glanville (ARCH)
Joe Bernstein (ME/DIS)
Under the guidance of Dr. Ron Eglash, Professor
Fraction Bot is an interactive educational tool to help middle school students learn and practice fractions. Based on the premise that many 6th grade students dislike math and often enjoy interactive electronics such as video games, Fraction Bot is designed to deliver guidance and practice with arithmetic involving fractions.
On its surface, Fraction Bot is a game that produces randomized fraction questions with increasing levels of difficulty. Students have the ability to adjust the numerator and the denominator of the answer, add an integer to make the answer a mixed number, seek help with the calculation, and check their proposed answer. Upon a correct answer, lights flash and the display screen congratulates the student. Upon an incorrect answer, the display informs the student that they did not get the correct answer but lets them try another question without losing their level status.
Underneath the surface, Fraction bot is an Arduino powered microcontroller that utilizes three push-buttons, a push button/potentiometer, an LCD screen, and two RGB LEDs. As the creators of the Fraction Bot, we feel that such an educational tool should be freely available for public use, so the code is available on this page for open source use.
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