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Recipe Ratios

How can we increase students’ interest in math by connecting with a familiar topic?




This project started out as a way for students to engage in a topic that affects them every single day: food. Our team has moved through three different iterations of this project, with each iteration building on live user testing and feedback. Below is a quick overview of where we started and how we got to where we are now.

  1. Food Interaction: Students were given various raw and cooked ingredients that were organized by food group and labelled with “health benefits”, and were asked to build a dish for a randomly chosen persona.

  2. Recipe Ratios Video Game: Students made digital sugar cookies by completing basic fraction operations to complete a recipe.

  3. Recipe Ratios Video Game 2: A different take that introduces fractions and has a teaching component of fractions for students to better understand math concepts. Check out the latest version of our Recipe Ratios game here: Recipe Ratios

Browse around to learn more about our project and its development!